Since the baby was born, have you been on the road to buy, buy and buy? I bought a lot of toys, but are they all suitable?
It should be known that the baby's small head is in the stage of rapid development, and the development of cognition, movement, emotion and other aspects has made rapid progress. Appropriate toys are important learning tools. Therefore, according to the different age of the baby, give TA age-appropriate educational toys to help TA improve various abilities!
Newborn babies are all "short-sighted" and can only see close things clearly. The distance they can see clearly is roughly the distance between mother and child during breastfeeding. At this stage, the baby prefers to see sharp black and white patterns rather than subtle patterns and pastel colors.
Stimulate the baby's visual development through some color cards, which is conducive to stimulating brain development. In addition, DHA is equally important for baby's visual development. Maury's study showed that supplementation with optimal levels of DHA during infancy resulted in better visual acuity development at 12 months of age. (The optimal level of DHA in the study has reached the international authoritative recommendation)
Recommended toys:

Black and white cards: Choose clear-cut cards and hang them on the head of the bed or stick them on the wall for your baby to watch to promote your baby's visual development.
Music player: Choose low-pitched, soft music to play to your baby, such as a tune you listened to when you were pregnant, or your humming to soothe a crying baby.

baby 1-2 months
At this time, the baby likes to look at objects with sharp contrasts, and also likes to look at slow-moving objects. In the 6-8 weeks after birth, their crying skills will be brought into full play, and you should be prepared for "magic sound piercing" , I want some more comforting tricks! Babies like exaggerated expressions, and they will "learn something" and start imitating them.
Recommended toys:

Bedbell: Choose an interesting and contrasting bedbell to hang at the head of the bed, which can attract the baby's attention and let the baby practice chasing, but remember not to rotate or move too fast! Slowly, he may also try to grab it with his little hands, which is very interesting.
Rocking chair or cradle: Put a crying baby in a rocking chair or cradle, shake it gently, it can soothe the baby, and it can also have a hypnotic effect, but be sure not to shake it too violently!
Mirror: In the sight of the baby, hang a small mirror that is not easy to break. The baby can see himself in the mirror, which will enrich his expression!
baby 3-4 months
At this time, the baby suddenly becomes a little sportsman. He can play on his stomach, grasp hanging or moving objects with his hands, like to kick or roll backwards, see farther, and learn to distinguish colors. Especially red and blue. Even, TA will start to explore the cause and effect connection - shake the rattle, it will make a sound!
Recommended toys: Rattle: At this time, the baby is no longer clenching his fist tightly, he will try to hold things, and after a period of grasping practice, he will hold the rattle and shake it to make a sound!
Fitness rack: Prepare a multi-functional fitness rack for your baby, let him grab and kick toys, use both hands and feet, and exercise their athletic ability.
Sound Bracelet or Foot Ring: Wear it on your baby's wrist or foot, and the toy makes a sound that your baby will be interested in, promoting whole-body movement and helping your baby explore cause-and-effect connections.
Color cards: The previous black and white cards can be replaced with color cards. When playing on the stomach, show the card and tell the baby the specific color, which not only promotes the baby's visual development, but also exercises TA's memory.
Cloth book: Choose a safe and soft cloth book, let your baby fall in love with reading through fun patterns and bright colors. It would be better if it could make a sound!

Baby 5-6 months
The baby's hand-eye coordination ability has been improved to a certain extent, and he can reach the toy accurately; he can shake and tap the toy; when the toy falls, the baby will look in the direction it fell.
Recommended toys:

Crawling mat: You can prepare a crawling mat, put toys on the crawling mat, and let the baby sit and play, or play on his stomach, or roll on his back to prepare for crawling.
Tumbler: Choose a tumbler toy with a round shape. The baby will try to push it down with his hands, but find that it can't be pushed down. It can practice the baby's hand-eye coordination, and it will arouse the baby's curiosity and further explore the cause and effect connection.
Ball: The baby can play with the ball, let him practice reaching the ball with his hands, or let him try to hold the ball firmly, or kick the ball with his feet, which are all good, and can exercise the baby's fine motor skills.
Building blocks: You can choose some soft building blocks for your baby to practice hand-eye coordination and fine hand movements. You can build building blocks for your baby, such as building a small house, and explain to him to improve his cognitive ability.
Bath toys: Take the baby to play with water, put some toys that can be squeezed, or float, sink, or spray in the bathtub or bathtub, let the baby grasp it, and increase the fun of bathing.
Picture Books: Your baby has started to babble. You can choose some simple and relaxing storybooks and read them with your baby to promote the development of your baby's language skills. Enjoy the good time of parent-child reading.

0-6 months is the period of extremely rapid development of the baby's brain. Hundreds of billions of brain cells form more synapses, connect quickly, and build a "brain Internet". Around 3 months after birth, the number of synapses peaks at about 10,000 trillion. At this stage, giving the baby a variety of environmental stimuli (such as different toys, objects, words) can promote the connection of brain cells more closely, the transmission of information is faster, and the brain develops better.
Mead Johnson Tip: In addition to external stimulation, adequate brain nutritional support is particularly important. During this peak period of brain development, nutrition is the basic material for the development and proliferation of brain cells, and DHA, an important component of brain cell membranes, is the key to the development and connection of brain cells. A number of studies have proved that supplementing with optimal levels of DHA can make babies think more quickly and have better emotional intelligence. The DHA levels in these studies have reached the DHA levels recommended by international authorities.
Therefore, the cultivation of smart babies is inseparable from your scientific cultivation, which includes both high-quality parent-child companionship and comprehensive support of high-quality nutrition. Supplement high-quality DHA, support the baby to reach the DHA level recommended by international authorities, and he